Christmas From Cover to Cover: 25-Day Advent DevotionalEsimerkki

Christmas From Cover to Cover: 25-Day Advent Devotional

PÄIVÄ 24 / 25

Simeon was a devout and godly man in Jerusalem during the time of Jesus’ birth. He was old in years and had been waiting for the consolation and hope of Israel. Then, as he worshiped in the temple one day, Mary and Joseph walked into the courts holding the baby Jesus. The Messiah was here! Simeon lifted up his arms in praise to God, declaring that he had finally seen salvation. The wait was over. Jesus was born so that we, like Simeon, could cease from our waiting, hoping, and striving. We don’t have to live in anxiety or fear. God sent His Son as a surety for our salvation. The Lord’s promises for His people are always certain. God fulfilled His promise to Simeon, and He continues to fulfill His promises to us today. Christmas came as a demonstration of that certainty. Let’s rest in Him.

Reflection Question: How does Christmas give you hope of God’s promises?

Päivä 23Päivä 25

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