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Christmas From Cover to Cover: 25-Day Advent DevotionalEsimerkki

Christmas From Cover to Cover: 25-Day Advent Devotional

PÄIVÄ 13 / 25

The Gospels are filled with examples of people who responded rightly to the coming of Jesus. Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the wise men, and many others grasped the weight of that moment. But there was one individual who did not share their zeal. Herod was a Roman leader who received word that a new king was born in Bethlehem. Threatened by this new authority, he commanded the slaughter of every Jewish boy in the area under the age of two years old, but Jesus still escaped. This horrific atrocity was nothing more than a false assurance and it would not stop Jesus from fulfilling the promises of God. Herod should have gone with the wise men to lay his crown down at the feet of Jesus. Herod should have seen the hope and peace that Christmas brings. Herod should have recognized that his little regional authority could not compare to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Instead, he was blinded by a desire for his own glory and power. Christmas is only good news for those who recognize Jesus as He truly is. 

Reflection Question: Are there sins in your life that keep you from appreciating the good news that Jesus brings?

Päivä 12Päivä 14

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