Lessons From RuthEsimerkki

Lessons From Ruth

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We started this plan by reading as a family of six dwindled to two. We read as they grieved and Naomi felt the sting of bitterness and emptiness. Yet, they moved forward and attempted to regain some semblance of normalcy, all the while carrying those who were lost close to their hearts. 

Now we get to see God’s plans completely unfold. When Naomi said to her daughter-in-law, “shall I not seek rest for thee, that it may be well with thee?” she was thinking about Ruth’s future. She was old, and because her husband was gone, she carried the burden of carrying on the legacy. Naomi gave Ruth the instructions to go and visit Boaz and share with him that he was her nearest Kinsmen. Ruth was obedient and followed her instructions. Boaz followed through on Naomi’s requests and approached a close relative who ultimately rejected the proposal to redeem the land. Boaz stepped into his place, marrying Ruth who then gave birth to Obed. Giving Naomi her first grandson, Ruth became part of the lineage of Jesus Christ. 

This ought to give you hope! If God could take Ruth and Naomi’s heartbreak to connect Ruth with Boaz, what could He do in your life? 

I can share what He has done in mine. Years ago, when I walked through what felt like the valley of death, God not only strengthened me for the journey but He also became my comfort, hope, help, and joy. When I wrestled with the sting of rejection, Jesus Christ HIMSELF became my kinsmen. He redeemed my life from the heartbreak and tribulation and worked experience into my life that continues to recycle so I can help encourage others. Once you heal, I believe God can do the same thing in your life.

One thing that is consistent throughout scripture from Genesis to Revelation is that God is continually working to reconcile man and his life circumstances to the cross. From the very beginning, God has always had a plan in a plan. He knew that Adam would sin. He also knew that He would send His only begotten son, Jesus Christ which according to 1 John 2:2 is our propitiation: “And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.”

Jesus Christ is our Redeemer. You no longer have to walk in shame, regret, guilt, or grief from your past. Instead, you can rest in the truth that you have been redeemed and set free. 

No matter what you have experienced, keep the faith and hope that God’s plans are never thwarted. He is at with our pain and purpose.

Be encouraged.

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Lessons From Ruth

This devotional provides five practical lessons to apply to your life after heartbreak. If you have walked through a season similar to Ruth and Naomi, be encouraged. God is always working. In His sovereignty, He allows relationships to end, allows death, separation, and abandonment. But when we trust Him, even when we feel bitter and forsaken, God promises to work things together for our good.
