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Have you ever seen a fire grow? Solomon wrote here that our words have a similar power. Just as fire spreads and destroys quickly, so does gossip. But we have the power to put the fire out. In fact, we can choose not to start it at all by simply not speaking out of negative emotions. When we pause before acting out of unhealthy feelings, we are making a step toward putting out the fire that unchecked words and emotions can cause. This week, practice pausing before speaking out of frustration or anger. Even if only for 10 seconds, stop and think about what you want to say before you actually say it. Focus on choosing words that will build up rather than burn down in conflict.

Päivä 11Päivä 13

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Managing our emotions so our emotions don’t manage us. This middle school devotional is designed to complement the teaching series, “Moods” by Orange Students. In this devotional, you’ll find direction on how to turn to Jesus with your feelings, emotions, and moods.
