I Have Questions: What Does Honor Have To Do With Our Relationships?Esimerkki

I Have Questions: What Does Honor Have To Do With Our Relationships?

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Sometimes asking for help can be hard. Admitting we’re in need makes us feel vulnerable, and that vulnerability can feel like a shot to our pride or admitting defeat. For that reason, we don’t ask for help when we’re struggling and suffer in silence instead. But there has to be a better way than that, right? 

The writer of Hebrews demonstrated a better way for us in this verse by asking for prayer. Asking others to pray for you in times of need is a great way to not only invite someone into what you’re struggling with, but to have someone in your corner encouraging you toward God’s best and to keep going when things are tough. Are there areas of your life where you’re struggling? Rather than keep it to yourself, ask for help. This week, go to a trusted friend, Small Group Leader, or adult in your life and ask for their prayers over this specific area of your life.

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