In Pursuit of JesusEsimerkki

In Pursuit of Jesus

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The Wonder of the Cross

While visiting Australia, I had the opportunity on a particularly clear night to see the Southern Cross. Located in the Southern Hemisphere, this constellation is one of the most distinctive. Mariners and navigators began relying on it as early as the fifteenth century for direction and navigation through the seas. Although relatively small, it’s visible throughout most of the year. The Southern Cross was so vivid on that dark night that even I could pick it out of the bundle of stars. It was truly a magnificent sight!

The Scriptures tell us of an even more magnificent cross—the cross of Christ. When we look at the stars, we see the handiwork of the Creator; but when we look at the cross, we see the Creator dying for His creation. Hebrews 12:2 calls us to “[keep] our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.”

The wonder of Calvary’s cross is that while we were still in our sins, our Savior died for us (Romans 5:8). Those who place their trust in Christ are now reconciled to God, and He navigates them through life (2 Corinthians 1:8–10).

Christ’s sacrifice on the cross is the greatest of all wonders! —Bill Crowder

How have you felt God navigating you through a particular situation? Where do you need His guidance today?

Jesus, I am in awe that You died on the cross for me!

Päivä 19Päivä 21

Tietoa tästä suunnitelmasta

In Pursuit of Jesus

Jesus is one of the most talked about figures in history. Some love Him. Some hate Him. Many are indifferent. No matter where you stand on that spectrum, He’s notable enough that it’s worth looking into His teachings, promises, and resurrection. This reading plan explores who Jesus is, with reflections from Scripture and links to video stories from people telling how He has influenced their lives.
