Reading The Bible 101Esimerkki

Reading The Bible 101

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Simply Get Started 

Are you ready to be Bible engaged? Maybe you have been a believer in Christ for a while now and are ready to learn more about what God's Word says. You may already know some of the common Bible verses, but there is a profound desire in your heart to know more of the Scriptures.

The Bible can seem a bit intimidating to read. It's a big book with an Old and a New Testament. There are 66 books – 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New. There are numerous chapters and verses. Some of these passages were written before Christ and others were written during and after the life of Christ. The Bible contains so much that it may seem overwhelming. I would encourage you by saying that this is the greatest of books, and it will guide you in your walk with Christ. This guidance is more vital even than attending church or reading a Christian book – and these are things which are great and important for you to do, but nothing can replace opening God's Word. Words that He breathed on, to teach you more about this life you're living. It is a book that guides you towards purpose and the promises God has for you. 

In the book of Hebrews, it says, "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." The Scripture is no ordinary book. It is alive. It is a book that transforms your mind and heart. Reading God’s Word is a way to know God's heart more. Through this book, your faith will be strengthened. The Bible has action, history, wisdom, and the greatest love story ever written. 

Now that I have briefly mentioned the benefits of reading His Word, you may be feeling enthused. You may have had this desire to read the Bible for a while now, but have absolutely no knowledge on where to begin. I have some good news for you. Reading the Word of God is going to be a pursuit of the rest of your life. It is a lifetime pursuit. You never stop reading it. You never get enough of it. You never stop learning or growing in your faith through His Word. It is like this for all of us. 

Where do you begin? Well, like you begin anything else: you just have to get started. Don't be discouraged. Don't be overwhelmed. It's a joyful pursuit. Simply get started.


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Reading The Bible 101

Bible engagement is vital to our lives as believers but many times we don't know where to begin. This plan will encourage you and offer steps on how to begin to read the Word of God. It will teach you that Bible reading is a lifetime and joyful pursuit. Never-ending and ongoing.
