Mattityahu 26:41
The third line (in English) translating the meaning of each word in the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadashah (New Testament)
keep watch and do prayer, so that you (PL) shall not come to any temptation! the spirit is actually willing, the flesh however is weak.
Tutki Mattityahu 26:41
Mattityahu 26:38
then says he to them: my soul is deep grieved, unto to the death! remains here, and watch with Me!
Tutki Mattityahu 26:38
Mattityahu 26:39
and went a little ahead, and is fall down on his face, has pray do and said: my Father if it is possible, shall going away from Me the this one goblet; yet not as I want, but as you (SG)!
Tutki Mattityahu 26:39
Mattityahu 26:28
because this is my blood of the new covenant, which being shed for many to the (medium) of forgiveness of sin.
Tutki Mattityahu 26:28
Mattityahu 26:26
and while they were eating, has Yehoshua taken bread, and has made a bracha, has it broken, and given to the disciples, and said: take, eat! this is my body.
Tutki Mattityahu 26:26
Mattityahu 26:27
and he has taken a cup, made a bracha, and gave to them, saying: drink all from it!
Tutki Mattityahu 26:27
Mattityahu 26:40
and he goes to to the disciples, and finds them asleep, and says to Peter: so, you (PL) have not be able watch with Me one hour?
Tutki Mattityahu 26:40
Mattityahu 26:29
I tell you (PL) however, I will more not drink from now on of the fruit from the vine, until to that day, when I will this drink with you (PL) new in the kingdom of my Father.
Tutki Mattityahu 26:29
Mattityahu 26:75
and Peter has self remembered that word of Yehoshua, which he had (to) him had said: before a cock will a crow do, will you Me three times deny. and he is went out outside, and did bitter weep.
Tutki Mattityahu 26:75
Mattityahu 26:46
stand up, let us go! look, the one who betrays Me is near!
Tutki Mattityahu 26:46
Mattityahu 26:52
then says Yehoshua to him: put back your sword in its place of! because all, who take a sword, will perish with the sword.
Tutki Mattityahu 26:52