Matthew 27:46
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
And aboot the ʼoor oʼ thrie, Jesus cryʼt oot wiʼ a great voice, sayin, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani!” that is, “My God! My God! for why did Thou forsake me?”
Matthew 27:46 را جستجو کنید
Matthew 27:51-52
And look! The Temple‐veil was riven in twa, frae tap to bottom, and the grund trimmlʼt and the rocks war cleft; And the tombs war openʼt; and a hantel oʼ the bodies oʼ the saunts wha had faun asleep, raise
Matthew 27:51-52 را جستجو کنید
Matthew 27:50
And Jesus cried oot again wiʼ a great voice, and gied up his spirit.
Matthew 27:50 را جستجو کنید
Matthew 27:54
And the officer, and they that war watchin Jesus, whan they saw the yirth trimmle, and the things that war dune, war uncolie fleyʼt, sayin, “Truly, this was Godʼs Son!”
Matthew 27:54 را جستجو کنید
Matthew 27:45
Noo, frae the ʼoor oʼ twalʼ, thar was black mirk ower aʼ the kintra, to the ʼoor oʼ thrie.
Matthew 27:45 را جستجو کنید
Matthew 27:22-23
Pilate says to them, “Than what sal I do wiʼ Jesus, wha is caʼd Christ?” They aʼ say, “Lat him be crucifyʼt!” And he said, “Why sae? What ill has he dune?” But they cryʼt oot fierce and lang, “Lat him be crucifyʼt!”
Matthew 27:22-23 را جستجو کنید
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