Matthew 18:20
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
“For whaur the twa or the thrie are forgatherʼt iʼ my name, thar am I iʼ the midsʼ oʼ them.”
Matthew 18:20 را جستجو کنید
Matthew 18:19
“And ance mair say I tʼye, that gin twa oʼ ye mak it up on the yirth what ye sal ask for, it sal be dune for them by my Faither in Heeven.
Matthew 18:19 را جستجو کنید
Matthew 18:2-3
And he caʼd till him a bairn, and set him iʼ the mids oʼ them, And quoʼ he, “Gin ye turn‐na, and come to be like a bairn, ye enter‐na intil the Kingdom oʼ Heeven.
Matthew 18:2-3 را جستجو کنید
Matthew 18:4
“Whasae than sal mak his sel naething, as this wee bairn, the same is heigher iʼ the Kingdom oʼ Heeven.
Matthew 18:4 را جستجو کنید
Matthew 18:5
“And whasae taks till him ae sic wee bairn iʼ my name, taks me till him.
Matthew 18:5 را جستجو کنید
Matthew 18:18
“Truly say I tʼye, whatsoeʼer ye bind fast on the yirth, sal be bunʼ fast in Heeven; and what ye lowse on yirth sal be lowsed in Heeven.
Matthew 18:18 را جستجو کنید
Matthew 18:35
“Eʼen sae sal my Heevenlie Faither do to you, gin ye forgie‐na ilk ane his brither‐man frae yere hearts!”
Matthew 18:35 را جستجو کنید
Matthew 18:6
“But whasae sal mak to faʼ ane aʼ thae wee things that lippen tae me, it had been better for him to hae a mill‐stane hung aboot his neck, and he sunk iʼ the deeps oʼ the sea.
Matthew 18:6 را جستجو کنید
Matthew 18:12
“Noo, hoo think ye, yersels? Gin a man hae a hunner sheep, and ane oʼ them is gane awa, dis he no leaʼ the ninety‐and‐nine, and gang intil the mountains, seekin the ane forwanderʼt?
Matthew 18:12 را جستجو کنید
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