Big Ears Are BeautifulNäide

The truth of the Garden
The truth of the Garden is that there are numerous trees to dine from. Or, said another way, the hay is His will and sin is the needle. Hunting for God’s will opens up possibilities instead of closing them down. There are lots of jobs to shine the light for Christ. Don’t stress on whether it is in Guatemala or Guam; just pick a country and go on a mission trip and share your faith with ... anybody! The stress of getting everything right gives way to the freedom of the Lord. Walk with God faithfully in His Scriptures and by His Spirit and be encouraged by His people. Then He will identify the tree to be avoided and the trees to gorge yourself on.
The same event can be bad or good depending on the motives of our heart. One person chooses a vocation to glorify God while another just wants to get rich. One parent encourages sports to build character while another is living a vicarious dream through their kids. If you prayerfully check your motives, it can save you a world of problems and pain.
As you eat heartily on the things of God, His plan unfolds. I’m married to the perfect person for me, because I decided I would only date someone who loved the Lord. The forest was godly dating in general, and He led me to someone in specific. Embracing that I am to put others before myself leads to my daily base of divine appointments. Putting my heart around the forest of His will begins the journey to the individual trees. Looking back at the intricacies of His guidance acts as a catalyst to increase my faith for the future.
Do you think that God’s will is only one tree in the forest? If so, you are so fearful that you will make a wrong turn that you don’t even press the gas pedal. Relax; He has put the odds in your favor. Stay away from sin and run to Him, then your spiritual eyes will open to His will. There are thousands of ways to make your life count and grow in Christ, numerous books and songs to encourage you and 66 books in the Bible to read. Just pick a place to sign up, serve or read and you’ll be taking another step in the right direction.
You can get Gregg Matte’s book by clicking on Finding God's Will.
About this Plan

Rabbits are widely known for big ears, but Nipper’s Geronimo has the longest.[1] We aren’t after increasing the size of our physical ears, but we desire an increase in the hearing of our spiritual ones. The Lord is speaking to us all the time, but are we listening? Do we recognize His guiding voice and understand how He speaks? Big ears to the voice of God are a beautiful thing.