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Advent StudyNäide

Advent Study

DAY 21 OF 28


Isaac Watts is a familiar name among prolific composers. He is credited with writing a mind-boggling 800 hymns. Even if you don’t know him by name, you probably recognize “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” and “Joy to the World,” based mainly on Psalm 98. Watts was known for crafting hymns that were inspired by the psalms.

What is not commonly known is that this staple Christmas carol was written about Jesus, the coming King, not Jesus, the newborn King. Watts’s mind was on Christ’s return to claim His kingdom. Perhaps this hymn was co-opted for Christmas, but we can’t argue its applicability. Whether newborn King or coming King, Jesus is the Messiah and should cause us to burst into joyful song –

He is our joy!

“Joy to the world, the Lord is come. Let earth receive her King!”

Friends, Jesus has come and is coming back. May He find us worshipping and serving Him joyfully!!


Day 20Day 22