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Always This or Better: How to Uplevel Your Value and Step Into Your MORENäide

Always This or Better: How to Uplevel Your Value and Step Into Your MORE

DAY 9 OF 10

Do you ever believe God’s promises for others but feel challenged when you need to apply this same faith to your life? What if your actions began to reveal such a significant belief in your value that it became possible for you to have the same abundant faith for yourself as you do for others?

As you evolve and embrace the Biblical fact that you are a joint heir with Christ, you become more aware that the purpose and promises God has detailed in His Word are for you—especially you.

"So that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life." Titus 3:7

Your mindset shifts from “even you” as though you are an afterthought, to especially you because God had you in mind before the beginning of time. You’ve embraced your deeper value, and you’ve pulled up a seat to the table, knowing that God hasn’t just given you the seat, He’s prepared the entire table just for you. Especially you.

In Matthew 15:26–28, we see the story of a Canaanite woman who came to Jesus asking for her daughter’s healing. Jesus questioned her boldness because she was asking for a blessing that was reserved for God’s chosen people, the Israelites.

But because of her faith, she asked for what she needed anyway, knowing that “even the crumbs that fall from the master’s table” would be enough to heal her daughter. Based on her faith, Jesus granted her request.

If a woman who was not qualified had enough faith to ask God for a blessing and receive it, how much more ability would you—especially you—have to ask the same? God’s grace, healing, and power are available to you and are activated by your faith. From this passage, we are reminded:

  • Faith unlocks God’s blessings. The woman didn’t give up, and her faith moved Jesus to act.
  • God’s grace is for everyone. Though salvation was first offered to Israel, God’s chosen people, it extends to all who believe.
  • Humility attracts favor. The woman didn’t demand, but, through faith, humbly asked God to meet her needs, recognizing Jesus’ authority.
  • Persistent asking brings results. Even though Jesus questioned her, she didn’t accept “no” as the final answer; she kept pressing forward in faith and experienced the miracle she asked for.

You are qualified and can act on faith right now, as your faith pleases God. Take a moment and ask God for what you need.

Today’s Affirmation:

I am watching God work! God is moving in my life in miraculous ways, He has made every pathway straight. The anointing of the Holy Spirit is flowing through my life with ease, and I am living in my blessing. Everyone I touch is blessed, and the anointing of God activates my faith. I ask, believe, and receive from my Father.

Journal Question to Help You Manifest Her Daily:

What do you need to ask God for?

Day 8Day 10

About this Plan

Always This or Better: How to Uplevel Your Value and Step Into Your MORE

What do your actions say about how you value yourself? God doesn’t just want you to know your worth in words—He wants you to live it. In this plan, we’ll explore how your actions reflect your understanding of your value. God desires to elevate your mindset so that you can fully receive the “always this or better” life He has prepared for you. This plan will challenge you to align your value with God’s perspective, embrace His best for your life, and walk confidently into the promise He has set before you. Let’s step into your MORE.
