Competing Kingdoms: Lessons From JoannaNäide

God’s Unstoppable Kingdom
When Joanna chose to follow Jesus Christ and support him out of her own means, she was making a great exchange. Rather than remaining in a surface-level religion that would require no true change from her, Joanna embraced Christ’s message of authenticity. Rather than hoarding wealth for her own pleasure, Joanna spent it to further the purpose of Christ’s Kingdom. Rather than lording power over others, she submitted what she had to Christ, entering his midst on equal footing with the other disciples. From the outside, such an exchange might seem absurd, and for many in Joanna’s sphere, it probably appeared as though she was throwing away her position and wealth. But the woman who deemed Christ’s Kingdom of infinite worth would see its resurrected King face-to-face.
Luke tells us that Joanna was one of the women who discovered the empty tomb, went inside, and received the good news from the angels. But Joanna didn’t simply behold the empty tomb—she beheld the risen Christ. Matthew tells us that as the women ran to relay the good news to the disciples, they encountered Jesus himself. Laying hold of his feet, they worshiped him. Death could not hold the true King and could not stop the spread of his Kingdom.
Less than ten years after these events, Herod Antipas would be stripped of his title and exiled to Gaul, eventually fading from history. And yet the disciples of Jesus Christ are still on the move with a Gospel that will not be silenced. Christ’s Kingdom advances to this very day, and he reigns now and forevermore.
It’s the way of God’s unstoppable Kingdom that spreads in the hearts of His people. It’s the unifying power of the Gospel that draws people from all walks of life under the headship of Christ. It was worth Joanna’s all . . . and it’s worth ours.
Ponder: Do you have one foot in a competing kingdom? Is there a part of you that is holding back from surrendering your all to Christ?
Pray: Abba, I don’t want to hoard what I have like a stagnant pool. Help me live like a fresh spring. You’ve given so freely to me. May I, in turn, give freely to further Your Kingdom. Amen.
Read more about Joanna in the author’s fictional account of her life in Before the King: Joanna’s Story. Get a copy at Amazon, Baker Book House for 30% off + free shipping, or your other favorite retailer.
About this Plan

Named only twice in Scripture, Joanna the wife of Chuza, Herod’s steward, seems to be an enigma. Taking what we know from the biblical text and placing it alongside history, author Heather Kaufman transports readers to the Hellenized court of Herod Antipas. As we understand the world Joanna came from, we’ll better appreciate the great exchange she made in abandoning lesser kingdoms for the Kingdom of Christ.
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