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Forty Days in the PsalmsNäide

Forty Days in the Psalms

DAY 13 OF 40

It's no surprise by now, in this journey through the Psalms, that David was comfortable expressing his emotions. Not only is he skilled at sharing his feelings, but he's also unafraid to ask God some very pointed questions. Sometimes, when I read David's questions to God, I wonder if he is allowed to ask such things of God.

Psalm 13 opens with the emotion-laden words, "How long?" Have you ever felt David's frustration at God's apparent lack of involvement in your life? There is real pain when circumstances make us believe that God has forgotten us. We start thinking, "If God cared about me, He would have stepped in and helped long ago."

David acknowledged his feelings but didn't allow them to lead his life. He begins by turning to God for what he needs: answers, peace, and protection. Yet, he concludes by placing the matter in God's Hands. In verse 5, David states, "But I have trusted in your steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in your salvation."

Has God answered all his prayers? Not yet. But just because God hasn't responded as David wished, it doesn't mean God can't be trusted anymore. David had to guide his soul with the Truth of God

Are you in a place of unanswered prayers? Take time today to speak to your soul about the Truths you know about your God. Jesus said this about His Father God in Luke 12:6-7, "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.”

Today, let’s reflect on how God proved His Steadfast Love and Salvation by sending His Son to die for us. Be honest with your feelings, but guide your soul with the Truth.


1. Bring your fears, concerns, and needs to the Lord today. Speak to Him honestly, as David did; God is big enough to handle it. Let your prayer time reflect the reality of your life and the specifics of your needs.

2. Have your emotions been steering you away from God's Promises? Today, as you pray, follow David's example in verse 5 and remind yourself of God's Unwavering Love for you. Acknowledge any bitterness you may feel towards God for the times He didn't respond as you wished. Allow God's Promises over you to bring life to your soul.


Day 12Day 14