Transforming Encounters: The 40-Day Challenge (Luke)Näide

Have you ever wondered what Jesus was like as a boy, or a young man? What was it like for Joseph and Mary to raise the Son of the Most High, God and man?
This anecdote about Jesus as a 12-year-old always catches me off guard. After supernatural conception and birth, this “earthly” event is something close and familiar to us. As families, we all have our own traditions, customs, and memories related to these customs. We want to pass on to our children what is important to us, to instill in them our same values, especially regarding religion, so that they continue in our footsteps. These are moments of gathering family and friends, of togetherness. The center of our attention, as believers, should be Jesus. But our days are filled with various activities, lots of things distract us, and we lose sight of Jesus, as if he simply isn’t there. When we realize that days have passed without meeting Him, we are sad. We pray, and seek Him, sometimes panicked, as if we’ve lost a most valuable jewel.
But Jesus, the perfect example of obedience, one with the Father, never loses anyone. He looks for the lost sheep and is always with us. We are the ones who forget. This should remind us not to look for Him where He is not, amidst the glitter and hustle, but in the quietness of our hearts.
Decide from today not to let Jesus out of your sight, and to learn from him about obedience to God.
About this Plan

Transforming Encounters presents 40 encounters with Jesus from the Gospel of Luke. Different people meet Jesus in different life circumstances. They come to Jesus with their questions, needs, doubts or challenges. Some encounters are individual, others as a group, or in the midst of a crowd. An encounter with Jesus always changes, encourages, challenges. 40 authors investigate what happens in each of these encounters, and find a message for us.
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