The Dangers of Hidden SinNäide

The Consequences of Sin
God detests hidden sin because it is a representation of intentional rebellion. Moreover, most concealed sins are usually an action or thing that a person wishes to hold on to because they feel like they cannot live without it. (James 4:17)
Believers who try to cover up their iniquities usually know that the thing they are refusing to let go of goes directly against God’s word. Therefore, their decision to continue engaging in a lifestyle of compromise creates an idol that indirectly takes the place of God in their minds and hearts. (Galatians 5:19-21)
Jesus tells us plainly in Matthew 6:24 that “no one can serve two masters because either they will hate the one and love the other, or they will be devoted to one and despise the other.”
When our devotion is directed two ways, the end result is a double-mind that cannot love and trust God in its full capacity. Thus, in order to worship God in spirit and truth, there can be no hidden sin among us. (James 1:7-8)
This plan was adapted from the book "Quit Daydreaming: How to Wake Up & Break Free from mental bondage." If you enjoyed this Bible plan, let us know by visiting We'd love to hear from you! Be blessed.
About this Plan

Because God is holy, He cannot and will not exercise the full extent of His miraculous power in our lives when we conceal our sins. This plan reminds us of the importance of confession to bring about true repentance and genuine fellowship with God.