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In Anticipation of the Glory That Is to ComeNäide

In Anticipation of the Glory That Is to Come

DAY 2 OF 4



• In prayer, Jesus prepares for the last part of His mission bringing the sacrifice for atoning the sins of the world. He took three of His closest disciples with Him.

• While He was praying, both His face and His clothing changed, looking heavenly and dazzling; Moses and Elijah make an appearance and bring Jesus encouragement regarding what is about to happen. All throughout this time, the disciples were sleeping.

• When they wake up, the disciples are overwhelmed by this moment of glory and they want to keep it.

• The statement from the heavenly Father is both a confirmation and an encouragement for Jesus and for the disciples.

The Transfiguration moment is, for the disciples, a revelation of glory from the KINGDOM OF GOD. Also, ahead of His suffering, JESUS needs this message brought from the KINGDOM by the two special messengers, Elijah and Moses. This glorious revelation has a remarkable effect, both on JESUS and on the disciples. Lacking the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives, the disciples relate in a human and natural way to this divine episode that was so special in JESUS’ life and in their lives. When the three disciples wake up, Moses and Elijah return to the heavens, under the cover of a cloud, and the men are overwhelmed by the strong effect of divine glory. Peter’s immediate reaction is to preserve this glorious moment. Besides the encouragement brought by the two messengers, another important part of this scene is GOD’s statement about His Son:


For JESUS, this statement is confirmation that the heavenly Father is content with how He has fulfilled the mission so far, and also an encouragement for the difficult part about to come. The Father’s statement also addresses the disciples: ” Listen to Him”; obviously, these words resonated in the hearts of the three disciples, up to their journey into eternity. We need to keep watch and pray; in the special moments of our lives, the heavenly Father will strengthen and encourage us, even through glorious revelations coming directly from the KINGDOM.
Just like JESUS, we – His disciples – are on the ”Kingdom mission” in this world that is so hostile. Every once in a while, we need our Father to encourage us and confirm that His attention and presence are with us. To this day, Christians still receive revelations of glory from the KINGDOM.


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