In the Garden (Bible App for Kids)Näide

Let’s visit Mr. Music!
Marty and Mr. Music are ready to sing a song! They’re singing about how it gives us joy to love like Jesus. It’s worth it to care and share!
Let’s watch!
Let’s talk!
What did that song make you think about?
Who would you like to sing that song to?
Let’s read the Bible!
Marty and Mr. Music both love the special Bible verse we learned! Let’s practice it again. Can you say it all by yourself?
Philippians 2:4 (Open your hands like a book.)
… look out [Look out! Look out!] (Point to eyes each time you say “look out.”)
for the good (Hold thumbs up.)
of others. (Hold palms up in front of you.)
Pray Together
Dear God, thank You for teaching me how to love. Help me find ways to care for others just like Jesus cares for me. In Jesus’ name, amen.
About this Plan

This preschool-friendly Bible Adventure helps kids learn how to love like Jesus! Watch the Bible App for Kids story, “In the Garden,” find an answer to an important question, learn a Bible verse, and sing a song about putting others first! Visit to get the free Bible App for Kids to explore this Bible story more!