Led by His SpiritNäide

The first church in Jerusalem had a dramatic and powerful ministry. The disciples and those who were converted through their preaching lived their faith daily. Even under the threat of punishment and then the reality of persecution, nothing could deter them from witnessing to everyone they met. Both publicly in sermons and privately in one-on-one conversations, “they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ” (Acts 5:42). The members of the church were filled with the Holy Spirit, giving them the boldness to stand firm in the face of opposition.
The Holy Spirit’s work in these believers was not only boldness; it was also extraordinary generosity. The needs of one were felt by all, and the members of the church willingly and sacrificially gave what they had to help others. When the Holy Spirit fills our lives, He produces a grace that overflows in generosity and compassion, uniting us with others and strengthening our witness to the world.
The Bible tells us the reason the members of the church in Jerusalem were so generous and compassionate is that they had “great grace” on their lives—not just the leaders, but the members as well. This same Spirit-led grace that characterized the early church can transform our lives today. Such grace within the church will inevitably reach outside the walls and strengthen our witness to the world. When grace fills our lives, it will fill our church, and we will make a difference with the gospel in the world.
About this Plan

The forty devotions in this plan focus on the multi-faceted ministry of the Holy Spirit and are provided to supplement your Bible reading. I pray that this resource will be help to you as you seek to live the Spirit-led life. -Pastor Paul Chappell