Building a Life That Matters for Good - Buckle Up: Accepting the Free Gift of God’s GraceNäide

A Perfect Picture of the Father’s Love
One of the best illustrations of the interaction between faith and works is found in Luke 15, the “Parable of the Prodigal Son.” Jesus uses this story to explain that our acceptance as God’s children is permanent and unshakeable, but His approval of our behavior is not. This story also highlights the incredible, lavish Love of God.
To begin, we should understand the characters in the story. The legalistic, judgmental older brother in the story represents the scribes and Pharisees, while the partying, wayward younger brother represents the tax collectors and sinners. The father, of course, represents our Heavenly Father.
There are three themes to notice.
First, the Sons Cannot Lose the Father’s Acceptance
No matter how much the younger son sins or how far he strays, the father never stops loving him and longing for him to come home. Likewise, no matter how whiny, judgmental, and critical the older son becomes, the father never stops loving or accepting him either.
This is a picture of our Salvation. Once we trust Jesus as our Savior, we can never lose our place as children of God. Jesus describes our Salvation as being “born again.” Birth is a permanent thing! No one can be “unborn,” nor can Salvation be undone.
Second, the Sons Can Lose the Father’s Approval
When the younger, partying son returns home, the father immediately forgives him and welcomes him back, but he does not encourage him to continue a destructive lifestyle. The younger son suffers the consequence of having wasted his inheritance.
Similarly, the father corrects the older brother for his judgmental attitude. This brother suffers the loss of closeness with his family, and he misses out on the party.
Third, the Father’s Love Is Perfect
The father’s love is unconditional. No amount of sin, judgmentalism, or wandering changes the father’s love. The father places no conditions on the acceptance of the returning son. The father doesn’t require changed behavior, a trial period, or even a repayment plan. He joyfully celebrates the son’s return.
Maybe there’s some area of your life where you’ve wandered away, some relationship you’ve squandered, some gift you’ve wasted. You can know for sure that God has not given up on you. He’s waiting and watching for you to return so he can lavish His Love on you. God’s commitment toward us has nothing to do with our performance, but everything to do with His Character.
Reflect on the areas of your life where you might feel unworthy of God’s Love. Consider how the truth of God’s Unconditional Acceptance can change your perspective on Grace and Forgiveness. Today, extend the same Unconditional Love you have received to those around you.
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About this Plan

Have you ever wondered how simple yet profoundly secure your Salvation really is? What role do faith and deeds play in your spiritual life? And how does God’s Unconditional Love redefine everything we know about forgiveness and acceptance? Dive into these questions and discover the liberating Truths of God’s Word and Grace.
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