Good FaithNäide

Are you walking through a season of uncertainty right now? Maybe you just lost your job and don’t know what’s next. Maybe your marriage or relationship is strained, and you’re not sure how to fix it. Maybe you’re waiting on a phone call—a diagnosis, an answer, a long-awaited confirmation of the next step. Even if you aren’t in a season of uncertainty right now, you’ve likely been here before and can trust you will be again. This is part of the ebb and flow of life. While that alone can be discouraging, when we put our faith in God, we know uncertainty isn’t the end of the story.
The psalmist tells us that God has compassion for us in these moments. Compassion is, by definition, a sense of others’ distress and a desire to alleviate it in some way. This is what the psalmist tells us God feels toward us. In His goodness, He sees our sufferings, our struggles, and our uncertainties through the lens of compassion. That means we don’t have to wonder if we’re alone or unheard in it. Instead, we can have faith that a good God not only sees us and has compassion for us in those moments and seasons of uncertainty but that God also wants to step in to alleviate our pain. This doesn’t necessarily mean the circumstances get better, or everything works out the way we want, or that our problems are just solved. But it does mean that, no matter what happens, in our uncertainty, the one thing we can be certain of is this: God loves us, God is good, and God wants to step into our struggles with compassion.
Write the word “compassion” down somewhere you’ll see it often. When you see it, let it be your signal to remember that God offers compassion in moments of uncertainty.
About this Plan

We’re told to have faith that certain things will happen, to put our faith in ourselves, to keep the faith, to be faithful. But while phrases like that get tossed around in our vocabulary all the time, have you ever stopped to wonder what faith is really all about? At its core, faith is all trust, hope, and confidence. In this devotional, we’ll look at how putting our faith in Jesus shapes the way we live.
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