Build Like Nehemiah Pt.2Näide

Your Critics Will Get Angry at Your Success!
Many of us have lived with and believed the idea that opposition might be a sign that God is not in what we are doing. But as we have seen, the book of Nehemiah reveals something entirely different. Last week we learnt that one of the enemy's tactics is to belittle whatever we are doing. Today we learn that when ridicule doesn’t work against us, he uses anger, fear and threats to throw us off. Rather than be intimidated by our opposition, our progress and his new approach should be signs that the Lord is with us! Like Nehemiah our response should not be retreat, instead we should pray and prepare ourselves for the schemes of the enemy.
Questions for reflection: Has the enemy’s approach changed? Am I facing fear and anger? Have I retreated in the face of fear instead of seeking the Lord? Have I prepared myself for the attacks of the enemy?
About this Plan

What should have been a 10-year building project was completed in 52 days. How was this done? Part 2 of this devotional series will take you on a deep dive into the book of Nehemiah. You will walk away with practical steps taken from the life of Nehemiah, so that you, with the help of the Holy Spirit, can learn how to build faster and smarter.