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7 Prayers for Your Sound MindNäide

7 Prayers for Your Sound Mind

DAY 5 OF 8

Prayer 4: Pleading the Blood of Jesus

Pray this: “Dear Heavenly Father, I plead the blood of Jesus over my very sanity.”

Do you ever feel like you're going insane, even if logic tells you you're probably not? If so, you're not alone.

I can recall some days in my life when my level of stress, grief, worry, anxiety, or depression was so great that I felt I literally needed Jesus to keep me sane so I would not descend into outright and literal madness. If you’ve ever been burdened at that level, then you know how awful it feels to be in such darkness.

However, even if you feel like you’re losing your grip on sanity, here is good news for you today:

Jesus Christ shed His blood and died on the cross so that ALL of God's perfect will could be accomplished in your life. That blood of Jesus is the legal tender—or payment—that paid the way for the devil to be defeated in every area.

We read about how God reconciled all things back to Himself with Jesus’ blood in Colossians 1:19-20. Also, we read more about how God used the blood of Jesus to reconcile all things to Himself, AND to His perfect will, in Ephesians 1:7-12.

Yes: Jesus' blood, applied to your life, makes it possible for you to walk in all the good plans God has for you—including in the area of your sound mind.

Therefore, when you "plead" the blood of Jesus over your mind and sanity, you are saying:

“Abba Father, I present the blood of Jesus to You as my legal evidence for why You can and will answer my prayer and protect my mind. Please protect my sanity. Protect me from even feeling like I am losing my sanity. Because of the blood Jesus shed, I know that Your will, Your healing, Your Word, and Your protection MUST be enforced in my mind right now.”

And every time you pray this in faith, Jesus will stabilize both you and your thoughts.

Even if you feel like you are spiraling down into darkness, Jesus will help you. Of course, that doesn't mean that getting outside help (like from a trusted friend or a reputable Christian counselor) won't help as well. Jesus does use people to heal, as well as heal supernaturally.

Nevertheless, as you are praying over your situation, be sure to plead the blood of Jesus over your mind and sanity. The Lord will touch you and bring you peace when you do. And His help comes not because of anything we did or can do but rather because of the power of the blood of Jesus.

Day 4Day 6

About this Plan

7 Prayers for Your Sound Mind

Are you struggling in your thought life? If anxiety, depression, worry, fear, or any other battles are raging in your mind, pray these seven Biblical prayers today! These prayers will help you walk in the power, love, and sound mind that Jesus died for you to have.
