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Go in Peace: Hope for AdventNäide

Go in Peace: Hope for Advent

DAY 3 OF 8

Today’s story of going in peace has a whole lot of backstory, but the basics are these: David and Jonathan are best friends. Jonathan is the son of the king, Saul, who hates David because he knows David is destined to replace him as king. Saul hasn’t always felt this way—he used to love David! — but now he hates David so much that he wants to kill him.

Jonathan finds out that Saul wants to kill David and devises a clever method to meet with him (it involves shooting arrows, so that’s fun). Once the two friends are reunited, they know this will be the last time they ever see each other.

The bittersweetness runs deep. In order to save David’s life, Jonathan must let him go.

So, what does he say?

“Go in peace.”

Think of all the faith and hope present in that one statement! Jonathan is sending David on his way to prevent his assassination, sending him off into an uncertain future, probably believing that David is going to take over the throne and put Jonathan out of a job. There is so much turmoil wrapped up in this moment, but instead of holding on to that, Jonathan simply bids a fond farewell of peace.

What are you holding on to? What uncertainty is troubling your life today? What is threatening your own life of peace? Maybe today is the day God is calling you to bid that thing farewell and go in peace.

The truth is, just like Jonathan, we don’t know with specificity what the future holds for us or for those we love. We know God is guiding us and wants the best for us, but when it comes to particular moments or actions—we’re still in the dark about those.

But we know the light is on its way, in due time.

Let go of whatever you need to. Let it go… in peace.

The light is dawning. Soon.

Day 2Day 4