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The Bible for Young Explorers: GenesisNäide

The Bible for Young Explorers: Genesis

DAY 3 OF 8

Bear Grylls says

'The value of every person is not based on genetics, grades or sports trophies but in who God has made us. We are God’s masterpiece − made in his image.'

'It’s amazing that we have been put in charge of everything God has made. That’s an incredible privilege. It’s also a powerful responsibility.'

Adam and Eve

The first humans God created were Adam and Eve. They were made to live on the earth, work with the land, and take care of the natural environment. But they were also designed for a relationship with God – God wanted to be close to them. They were made in God’s image, and God breathed his Spirit into Adam. We might not be able to see God, but he wants to be this close to us.

A delightful place

Eden means ‘delight.’ It was a paradise garden where humans, animals, nature, and God were in perfect harmony.

Day 2Day 4