Strength in His NameNäide

Remember the Alamo! One of the most famous forts in history is renowned not as a place of victory, but as a well-fortified stronghold that failed. What we remember about the Alamo is that 150 Texas rebels made their stand against Santa Anna’s vastly superior Mexican army. They stood with resolve in the winter of 1836, only to fall tragically to the enemies who spared no fighting man. On the second day of the siege, the Texan’s ranking officer knew the fort would not save them and sent this message out.
I am besieged, by a thousand or more of the Mexicans under Santa Anna—I have sustained a continual Bombardment & cannonade for 24 hours…The enemy has demanded a surrender at discretion, otherwise, the garrison are to be put to the sword… I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible & die like a soldier who never forgets what is due to his own honor & that of his country—Victory or Death. – William Barret Travis, Lt. Col. comdt
The Alamo is just one of many examples in history that have proved there is no such thing as an impenetrable defense. David, who fled from one mountain fortress to another pursued by Saul and 3000 soldiers, knew this all too well. While David and his men were taking refuge in a cave, Saul actually walked in to privately answer the call of nature. In that case, it was Saul who was without defense for David could have killed his enemy on the spot and ended the threat against his life. He chose not to, reminding his men that Saul was God’s anointed king. (1 Samuel 24:1-4)
Instead of trusting the hiding place or the king, David appealed to God for deliverance, telling Saul outside the cave, “May the Lord be our judge and decide between us. May he consider my cause and uphold it; may he vindicate me by delivering me from your hand.” (1 Samuel 24:15) “Then Saul returned home, but David and his men went up to the stronghold [masud].” (1 Samuel 24:22)
Secure in God’s care, David didn’t have to act rashly out of fear or insecurity. He didn’t need to take matters into His own hands working against His own conscience and the godly precepts. Having God as His fortress was more than just seeking physical safety, it was also a defense against vengeance, fear, resentment, and foolish reactions. God didn’t just keep him safe from what was outside. More importantly, God fenced him in on the inside keeping his heart close to God’s.
Perhaps waiting in that mountain stronghold, David had those very events in mind when he sang this song to God.
“[Yahweh] The LORD is My Rock and My Fortress [masud], and My Deliverer …My Stronghold [misgab]. I call upon [Yahweh] the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, And I am saved from my enemies.” (Psalm 18:1-2)
David knew the importance of earthly masuds, natural mountain fortresses, and misgabs, high-towered havens with defensible positions; but he was also a realist. Even when hunkered down in such a place, his trust was not in walls that could be breached or towers that could topple. David sought safety in a greater Fortress, writing,
Moses, wandering in the desert where there was no natural protection, sought safety in the same impregnable Fortress, testifying, “Whoever dwells in the shelter of [Elyon] the Most High will rest in the shadow of [El Shaddai] the Almighty. I will say of [Yahweh] the Lord, “He is my refuge and my [mot-SOOD], [Elohim] my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:2
There is only One Fortress and Stronghold assured to be unassailable, impenetrable, and secure against all our enemies. His name is Masud and Misgab and He bids “come” to all who are in distress. Alamos and armies fail and are forgotten, but we can say with confidence: "Remember our Fortress!"
Oh Lord, My Masud and Misgab, in times of trouble, You are my strong defense, my hiding place and my refuge. In the shelter of your shadow, I am safe from my enemies. You alone offer unbreachable protection and a place from which to stand my ground. You are my Fortress and Stronghold. Amen.
Because God Revealed this, how will you put your trust in Him in the face of opposition?
Continue your discovery of the strong names of God on Day 5.
About this Plan

Feeling overwhelmed? Facing challenges beyond your strength? God invites you to see your limitations as an introduction to His power. When David needed assurance, God revealed His strength through six divine names. Over seven days, explore these powerful names of God, delving into scripture, reflection questions, and prayers. Whether you read or listen to the audio content, this study will deepen your trust in the God who fights for you and inspire your heart to worship.