Stop the Spiral of Negative Thought PatternsNäide

Day 1: At War
Feeling Confused or overwhelmed lately? It helps to remember: we are at war - and one of the enemy’s greatest tools is confusion. So let me remind you of the problem we face and the mission we embrace.
Every enemy of our minds traces back to a core problem, which is that a battle is being waged in our lives. Standing between us and victory is one of three barriers - or perhaps all three: the devil, our wounds, and our sin.
Sometimes the attack comes directly from Satan and his strategy is obvious. He tempts with evil and punishes with suffering. Usually, however, he is sneaky. He tempts with successes and hypnotizes with comforts until we are numb to and apathetic about all that matters.
Sometimes the battle happens because we live in a fallen world. Circumstances befall us constantly that scream, "Things are not as they should be!" Yet we tend to carry around deep hurt from our brokenness, really noticing it, and never dealing with it or healing from it.
But mostly the trouble we face in this life takes the form of sin. Specifically our sin – as in the stuff we do or don't do. Most of the time, you and I won’t be taken down by a massive demonic attack. Our own small choices are accomplishing everything the devil intends – our passivity and destruction – with zero effort on his part. Whichever thing comes against us, though, the bottom line is that we are at war!
To defend ourselves during this battle, we need to name the specific enemies we each are facing. When we employ the right weapons at the right time to overcome the enemy, we can enjoy renewed intimacy with Jesus and walk in greater freedom than we have before.
Whew. Big task.Thankfully for us: big God.
So name the lies that threaten you. Learn to spot the signs that you've been sucked into the enemy’s trap. Learn to fight the war against your mind. See what happens when you choose to shift your thoughts to God, to the truth of who He is, and to the truth of who you are because of Him. Seize things like community, service, and gratitude as you live out the truth. And because of God, you will stand victorious in the end.
PRAYER: God, You are the only one big enough to win this battle. Teach me to fight with wisdom and not live afraid of the enemy’s schemes. I trust You to defend me. Amen.
About this Plan

Stop the Spiral: A Devotional by Jennie Allen Join us for 5 days of devotions to inspire you to stop the toxic thinking patterns and remind you of God’s power to set you free. Each day includes a verse for meditating on God's word, a Rewire the Spiral statement to repeat throughout your day, and a personal prayer for sparking deeper intimacy with God.