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Get Divine Inspiration for Victorious AttitudeNäide

Get Divine Inspiration for Victorious Attitude

DAY 12 OF 12

The Mindset of a Diva

Rahab was a harlot and an innkeeper who lived inside the wall of Jericho. All travelers had to pass her place going in and out of the city. She was well-known to the king and others in high society. She supported her family. Yet despite financial success, Rahab longed to get away from the life she was living and was willing to risk everything to do so. She chose to trust in a God she had only heard of.

There comes a time when every woman must evaluate whether the life she is living and the choices she is making serve her. Not just her but others. Not just here and now but in eternity. What seeds are you sowing? What fruit are you producing? What will your legacy be?

Rahab didn’t just live in a wall. She had created walls around her heart to protect herself and preserve her life. Many of us do that. But remember that every wall you build not only surrounds and hems you in, but it may also keep things out that you may be longing for. Finding the courage to see life beyond the wall requires faith. Faith that God can keep and protect you better than you can.

Rahab had only heard about the God of Israel but something in her heart resonated with what she heard. He was a God who fought for and protected His people. He was an unbeatable foe for their adversaries. This gave her the courage to protect the Israeli spies who came to her door and help them escape. She saw this as the perfect opportunity to get the life she had been praying for. Yes, there was risk involved but that seemed minimal compared to the alternative. To remain where she was and perhaps even lose her life when the Israelites finally attacked Jericho.

It’s been said that until the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of change, you won’t change. Rahab recognized this was the moment of opportunity to flip the script of her life, saving herself and her family.


Dear heavenly Father, thank You for seeing my value even when I did not know You. Help me to trust You with my heart and my life. Make me sensitive to Your voice and my assignment so that I may fulfill Your call on my life. Amen.

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Get Divine Inspiration for Victorious Attitude

Deep inside the heart of every woman is a diva just waiting to be released. It lies underneath all of the other things she has supposedly learned about herself. Michelle McKinney Hammond shines a spotlight on fourteen women of the Bible who displayed diva-tude. In the process, she encourages women to embrace their God-given qualities and assets with the understanding that they are fearfully and wonderfully made.
