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Wisdom for Everyday LifeNäide

Wisdom for Everyday Life

DAY 1 OF 5

Your Words Have Power

We desperately need wisdom to navigate the challenges of relationships, decisions, and life in general. Thankfully, God didn’t leave us without tools to cope with life’s complexities. The book of Proverbs offers us priceless wisdom. Proverbs also helps us to see Jesus – full of wisdom – more clearly and reminds us that it’s impossible to live a wise life without the Holy Spirit’s help.

Let’s take a look, first of all, at the power of our words. Imagine what would change in your life this week if you were far more aware of the uniqueness of your voice: your vocal fingerprint, given to you by God for a purpose. It would likely change what you say, how you say it, and who you say it to. The power of speech is an extraordinary gift from God laced with divine potential. God spoke a word, and the universe was formed. Jesus spoke a word, and people were healed, forgiven, and transformed.

Speaking the right words at the right time with the right tone of voice requires wisdom and has the potential to bring tremendous blessings. Proverbs tells us the words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing, and that our words have the power to stir up anger or to defuse it with a gentle response. While our tongues can encourage others, call out someone’s passion or potential, and speak kindly to someone going through a tough time, they can also lie, swear, brag, gossip, slander, and speak cruel words.

I once thought no one was listening to what I was saying – when, in fact, I was backstage in a recording studio, mic’d up and being broadcast for all to hear! If we don’t realise that people are listening to our words, we’ll be careless with what we say. You may be tempted to vow never to speak again for fear of the mess your reckless words might make, but that’s not a good idea. The world needs your words of comfort and encouragement!

Proverbs also teaches us that lies are temporary, but the truth is eternal. When people build their lives on lies, it’s like building on sand. Things built on lies might look impressive and appear powerful – but they will crumble and disappear. We all value truth in our relationships. If someone you love betrays you, you’re surely not going to be ok with their explanation that, well, what is truth, really? It’s all relative! God’s Word makes it clear that truth is absolute and eternal. Truthfulness is integral to the mark you’ll leave on this world.

May you be mindful that your words have power. May you choose words that help, heal, and never harm. May you be unwavering in your commitment to speaking the truth in love, even when it costs you. May you offer the world only words that build others up, and may you build all the most important things in your life on God’s truth.

Day 2

About this Plan

Wisdom for Everyday Life

We live in an information-saturated world – but what we really need to navigate this complex, challenging life, is wisdom. In this five-day reading plan, Stephen Foster turns to the book of Proverbs to uncover timeless truths that we can apply to our everyday lives as we depend on the power of the Holy Spirit and look to the example of Jesus, God's most wise.
