True North: LIVE Free 30 DaysNäide

The Larger Story
Do you remember the movie - Gladiator? The General who became a slave. The slave who became a Gladiator. The Gladiator who defied an empire.
One of the best lines in that movie is when Maximus declares: “What we do in life, echoes in eternity”
We were created for a life of battle and adventure. However, much of our lives can leave us wandering around disoriented and often leaves us with a burning question in our hearts, "where is this adventurous life?" If we look towards “religion” the answer is usually something like “just don’t sin.” “Be a good guy.” “Do your quiet time and pray more.” That’s it? Jesus came and died for that? For most men today we have viewed the Gospel as nothing more than duty and obligation; a list of rules to follow so we don't screw up. The adventure that God created you for has been stolen by your enemy and replaced with something stale and fake. The true Gospel (which your enemy is trying to hide from you) is so much better and so much bigger than what we've been led to believe!
When looking at most men today, their day-to-day lives look like a scene straight out of the movie Groundhog Day. This is where Bill Murray wakes up each day only to relive the same day over and over and over and over again. You wake up, you go to work, you come home, you eat dinner, you watch some TV, you go to bed, you wake up only to do it all again. Your weekly goal is to make it to 5 pm on Friday so you can mow the grass Saturday. Where’s the adventure? Where is the battle? Where is the risk? The irony to all of this is that we try so hard to build this consistent, safe and comfortable life….then we end up hating it.
All through scripture God called men to epic adventures. Noah with an ark, Moses with His people, Jonah to Nineveh, and Paul to the world with His word. Hopefully, you are beginning to see, that you were created for a battle to fight and an adventure to live.
About this Plan

LIVE Free: 30 Days is a reading plan intended to offer freedom to the hearts of men. Each day will challenge and invite you into the journey to walk with God, engage in the larger story, and live free. You are not abandoned. You do have an enemy. You have a Rescuer. Some content in LIVE Free: 30 Days was developed from Wild At Heart Ministries resources.
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