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Experiencing Pain, Presence, and Purpose: Unlocking the Power of Faith 4-Day Devotional by Joy LoweryNäide

Experiencing Pain, Presence, and Purpose: Unlocking the Power of Faith 4-Day Devotional by Joy Lowery

DAY 4 OF 4

Day 4: Experiencing The Power of Faith

Exercising consistently is the same as developing a relationship with God. When it comes to exercising to lose weight or to become healthier, you can start with a walk. You do not have to start with a run if you’re not used to running regularly. That is the same with Jesus. When it comes to exercising your faith to become stronger in Him and what He can and will do for you, you can start with a walk. Walk closer to Him one step at a time, and the good news is that He will receive you with open arms.

My life began to shift and change in ways that I was not accustomed to. I was used to reading my Bible, but only when it was convenient for me. Going to church is what I have always done since I was a child.

When trouble arises that causes a shift in our lives, we must have faith to know that God has a better Plan on the other side. There is no mountain too high nor valley too low that God cannot love you through. He understands our feelings and the sacrifices that it takes to be obedient to the shift.

Exercising our faith will not always be the easiest thing to do. There will be times when we must make sacrifices and choices that we would not otherwise make. It is in those times where you can see the Hand of God in your life. Giving God the opportunity to be LORD of your life is the greatest reward! The goal is to tell others of His Goodness and Mercy and give them hope that He can do the same for them.

We overcome by the words of our testimonies (Revelation 12:11). Giving light to our afflictions helps to push others to do the same. It is freeing and gives the opportunity to lean into God like never before.

Lean into your Creator, the Reason for your being, and unlock your faith. Give Him the key to your heart and let Him begin transformative work on your soul. You only need faith the size of a mustard seed. Start with a walk and you will progress to the run. Experiencing pain, God’s Presence and your Purpose unlocks the power of faith and authority. Accept your affliction, celebrate your positive growth, and watch God begin a transformative work on your soul.

To continue your journey from pain to Purpose, download my workbook Gem by Joy

Day 3

About this Plan

Experiencing Pain, Presence, and Purpose: Unlocking the Power of Faith 4-Day Devotional by Joy Lowery

Pain leads to the experience of God’s Presence, which opens the door to discovering your Purpose. Experiencing pain and brokenness offers an opportunity to draw closer to God and experience God’s Presence and Glory in a new and refreshing way. In this 4-day devotional, let us journey together in unlocking the power of faith and authority that was given to us since the beginning.
