No One Like the FatherNäide

Today, let’s confront the realities of the situation and consider how the enemy uses the absence of a father. Society would suggest that those who come from fatherless homes have a disadvantage in life. This isn’t far-fetched when you consider the following findings from 2024 research conducted by the Fatherhood Initiative. They noted that children from fatherless homes are at greater risk for poverty, are more likely to go to prison, have behavioral issues, commit crimes, face abuse and neglect, and drop out of school.
Why do I share these statistics concerning fatherless homes? As believers, we have to tell the stats about our savior and the facts about our Father. The same God that conquered death, hell, and the grave is the same God that can help you not be a victim of a statistic. When society’s facts told Jesus that after three days, a person was dead for real, he resurrected Lazarus on the fourth. When society’s facts told Jesus that He would endure the most gruesome death in history, He was resurrected and ascended to sit at the right hand of the Father.
I pray that as you read this, you understand that you will not be a product of your circumstances, environment, or stats, but instead, you ARE a product of the finished work on the cross by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. So hey, single mother, keep believing and trusting God that your children will make it with or without a father in the home. Hey, young man trying to figure out how to be a man without seeing an example at home, God has you covered. Hey, young lady, you don’t have to seek love in all the wrong places because you are loved and cared for by your heavenly father.
Remember that the stats do not determine your destiny, but your heavenly Father, who loves and cares for you deeply, does. There is no stat that he can’t overcome nor any mountain he can’t move.
About this Plan

Our experiences with our earthly father often influence how we relate to our heavenly Father. Sadly, not everyone has had positive experiences with their earthly father, which can adversely impact our relationship with our heavenly Father. This Bible plan offers guidance and encouragement to those who have had less-than-ideal situations with their earthly father, helping them understand that there is no one like our heavenly Father.