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Jedi JesusSample

Jedi Jesus

DAY 4 OF 4

On Faith and Failure

It was my dad who first introduced me to Star Wars. He was an ordained minister. As a child and youth worker turned pastor, he worked in ministry, group homes, and with maximum-security young offenders. He was gritty. He worked hard. He was a voracious reader of God's Word. He had a fearless, fierce, black-and-white, don't-mess-with-me kind of faith that was both inspiring and offputting at times.

He used to repeat this saying that I'll never forget:

Whatever you're willing to put up with, is exactly what you'll have.

He applied this to every aspect of life—physically, relationally, financially, and especially spiritually. When it came to God's Word, Dad took it at face value, believed the promises, and refused to put up with anything less.

I was reminded of him when I watched Yoda engage the young Luke Skywalker in Jedi training in the swampland of Dagobah. There is a scene in The Empire Strikes Back where Luke is frustrated with his limited ability to use the Force. His spaceship is stuck in the swamp. Despite all his efforts, he repeatedly fails to lift the ship out of the mire. Yoda tries to shift his perspective: "Always with you, what can not be done... You must unlearn what you have learned... Do or do not, there is no try." After another unsuccessful attempt, Luke declares, "I can't. It's too big." Breathing heavily, he says, "You want the impossible," and walks away from his Master in a huff.

Yoda closes his eyes and stretches his tiny hand over the surface. With a serene smile, we watch Yoda calmly use the Force to lift the ship up and out of the bubbling waters and gently rest it on dry ground. Luke comes back, astonished, and says, "I don't believe it!" To which Yoda bluntly replies, "That is why you fail."

Just like my dad and Yoda, Jesus was pretty direct when he taught about faith. He repeatedly corrected the religious folks' and even His own disciples' lack of faith. Yet he complimented the faith of outcasts, such as the Roman Centurion (Matthew 8:10; Luke 7:9), woman with the issue of blood (Matthew 9:22, Mark 5:34; Luke 8:48), and Syrophoenician woman (Matthew 15:28). Jesus even said this very Yoda-like phrase to two blind men: "According to your faith let it be done to you" (Matthew 9:29). In other words, whatever you are willing to put up with, is exactly what you'll have.

I struggle with this sometimes. I have faith, but I want to have that sure, certain, mustard seed kind of faith that can move a mountain. So often I feel like Luke. At one moment I am strong in the Force—I can see the wingtip of the spaceship coming up out of the boggy waters—and then suddenly, I get distracted or discouraged, and it sinks back below the surface. I want to believe without wavering, as Jesus instructed. But it's hard for me at times. Maybe for you, too?

So, I often find myself praying this simple, humble, desperate prayer from Scripture: "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" (Mark 9:24) And before I spiral down into disappointment and self-condemnation for my lack of faith, I remember Jesus' compassion for the man who originally prayed it. Jesus didn't rebuke him—He healed the man's son. And so I am reminded that I, you, and all of us are still in training. We are the padawan learners. Jesus is the Master.


What are you putting up with in your life that is less than what God has promised? Bring it to God today. Ask Him to reveal His perspective on your situation.

Let's Pray:

Lord, thank you for demonstrating your love, compassion, and power. I do believe. Help me with my unbelief. Increase my faith to see all that You are doing in my life. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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This Bible Plan is dedicated with love to Alessandro Tallevi for his Confirmation. May you continue to seek the ways of the Force, young padawan, from the true Master, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Day 3

About this Plan

Jedi Jesus

As a writer, mother, and growth-minded individual, I am always looking for opportunities to learn. In the Bible, Jesus taught his followers using parables—simple stories to illustrate spiritual lessons. He is still doing this for me today. When I recently watched Star Wars with my family, the Holy Spirit highlighted it's parallels with His Word. Join me as we unpack the Jedi ways that point us to Jesus.
