The HopeNäide

Expect to Be Empowered
The potential of your power is determined by the strength of your power source. You may be weak, but you are not powerless. Proclaim this truth aloud with confidence: “I have the strength of Christ.” It’s time to plug into the mighty power of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you!
If you and I are going to live by God’s power, we’re going to have to rely on the Holy Spirit’s ability to infuse our limited efforts with supernatural, powerful results.
The Holy Trinity, which is God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as three beings in one person, has beautifully, powerfully, and lovingly made us in His image to intimately know and love Him. God became one of us—Immanuel, “God With Us”—in human form as the Son of God. When the Son, Jesus, gloriously returned to the right hand of the throne of His Father, He provided us with the most profound treasure you and I have in Christ—the Holy Spirit. That’s “God With Us” on a whole new level!
This amazing truth never gets old to me. How could it? The Holy Spirit is now involved in my daily experiences and is always helping me whether I realize it or not! God’s life-giving presence and power lives in me and in you.
God longs for you to believe Him with total trust and patience. He wants you to live each day with hope, knowing He will empower each step you take in faith.
Hope is having a confident expectation for something good in the future. Faith is a confident belief that compels a hope-filled action. Even simpler: Faith is filled with hope! I pray God’s Word will give you a strong faith that continually grows.
Today, spend some time in prayer thanking the Father for His awesome power.
About this Plan

It’s easy for us to cross our fingers and hope for the best. But the hope we have in Christ is so much more than that! To have hope means to have a confident expectation. Hope may not come naturally to us, but here’s the deal: to have hope, we must know God. Learn what hope means, why we can have it, and how to live a hope-filled life in this 4-day Bible Plan from Amy Groeschel.