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To Follow Jesus by Rocky FlemingSample

To Follow Jesus by Rocky Fleming

DAY 5 OF 5

To Follow Jesus

by Rocky Fleming

Day Five - Perseverance

“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,” Philippians 3:13 (ESV)

From my own experiences:

As a follower of the word of God, if I consider myself as the final authority on what is biblically right and correct, it is because my pride has not yet suffered a sifting, and I have little awareness of my own sin.

As a follower of the word of God, if I put myself as judge, juror, and prosecutor against someone else’s faith in Jesus, it is because I do not know the heart of the Word that says no man is given the right to judge another (James 4:11-12).

As a follower of the word of God, I have discovered that I can know the word but not the God of the word. There is a difference.

As a follower of the word of God, when I do not know the heart of the Incarnate Word of God, then my understanding of the written word is empty and limited only to my point of view.

As a follower of the word of God, when I deny the work of the Holy Spirit in another follower of Jesus Christ, I do not understand it because I am not spiritually discerning (1 Corinthians 2:14).

As a follower of the word of God, I have discovered that I can worship the written word in the Bible. But not the Incarnate Word, who is Jesus.

As a follower of the word of God, I have discovered it to be a treasure map that points me toward the Treasure, who is Jesus. The map is not to be worshipped, only Jesus, to whom it leads us.

As a follower of the Incarnate Word of God, I have discovered that suffering because of my faith, and when declared foolish and rejected because of my faith, I am blessed more than what I suffer because I feel God’s approval, and that is all that matters.

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” James 1:12 (ESV)

As a follower of the Incarnate Word, Jesus Christ, I have discovered that remaining steadfast, faithful, and immovable during persecution is what perseverance means. Persecution comes from many sources. There were, and are, several sources of persecution. Rome persecuted Christians because they would not worship Caesar. The idol worshippers of the Greeks persecuted Christians because they were bad for business. But worst of all, there were religious leaders of the day who followed Paul and the other Apostles around to discredit them and to cause anger and dissension against them. They did it with lies and personal self-interest to stop The Way from leading people away from them. This is the work of the evil man, the Accuser, and it continues today, for he never changes. I have discovered the Accuser does his best work through Christians against Christians. A true follower of Christ does not join him against other Christians.

As a follower of the word of God, I understand that beginning with the Pharisees and other religious authorities of the day, it was never then, nor is this day, about the truth. It’s about protecting self-interest, status quo, and religious hierarchy. But here’s the truth. They battle against the Spirit of God, and as we have seen over the last two thousand years, those who follow the Spirit will prevail, if not in this lifetime, but surely in the one to come. But those who deny the Spirit of God have nothing to look forward to in this life or the one to come.

As a follower of Jesus, I’ve been given the hope that my world longs for. If I do not share Him, am I really His disciple?

As a follower of Jesus, am I not to expect the same rejection by the world and even religious leaders who do not know Him as has happened for 2,000 years? He said I would see this if I am His disciple.

As a follower of Jesus, am I prepared to deny myself, take up my cross, and follow Him, no matter the cost?

As a follower of Jesus, have I presented myself to Him as a living sacrifice, not to be conformed to this world, but rather to be transformed by Him?

As a follower of Jesus, am I committed to guarding my thoughts, yoking my tongue, speaking less, hearing more deeply, and, like Him, being a servant leader? After all He is my Teacher. Am I His disciple and serve as He did? Does my life reflect Him and His Spirit within me, or does it reflect the old man who still fights for control?

As a follower of Jesus, is my daily mission and ministry singularly about His glory and making Him famous, or myself? When I speak, do I sound like Him? When I act, does it point toward Him? When I serve, is the applause directed to Him? Does the fruit of the Spirit show in me, giving evidence that I abide in Him?

As a follower of Jesus, I have discovered that the path I walk on is narrow and difficult, but it is good, for it leads to good. He is good, and He walks with me on this path. I have found it to be the good path, the best path, and the right path. I can say without any reservation that my journey with Jesus on this path is the best of my life and has produced the best through my life, and it is well worth the perseverance that is required.

As a follower of Jesus, I have discovered that as I abide in Him and He in me, all things are possible, even being a true disciple who represents Him well. It is when I abide in Him that the possible meets the impossible and overcomes it. When I abide in Him, my old man is driven back, and the new man that He transforms emerges. When I abide in Him, I find my deepest longing for intimacy with my Creator to be realized. When I abide in Him, all things are right, no matter the circumstances. When I abide in Him, I have discovered what it means to be a true follower of the Incarnate Word of God, who is Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.

Day 4