God's Redemption Story (Judges - 2 Samuel)Näide

The Promise - 4/5
David wanted to do something great for God, so he decided to build him a beautiful house. God’s response was, “Thanks, but no.” Wait—what? So often, when we ask God for something and get an answer we don’t like, we get mad at God and complain. David chose to listen to God’s answer. It wasn’t a simple no, but a huge promise. God had big plans for David’s family and David responded with praise.
Has God given you an answer you didn’t expect or like? Reexamine his answer. Was it a simple no or was there more to it? God has a plan for you, so praise him for knowing everything and thank him for taking care of you—even if you don’t know what that looks like yet.
About this Plan

From Genesis to Revelation, “God’s Redemption Story” outlines the narrative of God’s plan for the reconciliation of humanity. This 12-part reading plan summarizes the story of the Bible. Judges through 2 Samuel continues the story of Israel's rise as a nation and seeing God use unlikely people to establish His plan and purposes.