Jesus Calls Me Friend: Creating Space for Your Children to Encounter GodNäide

In my first pregnancy, I memorized Psalm 121 to help me withstand the pain of labor and delivery. The funny part is during the most excruciating pain of childbirth, I completely forgot the Scripture. But the memorization was not in vain.
After we brought our baby home from the hospital, I constantly worried about her sleeping. Was she safe? Still breathing? Hungry? Cold? God brought Psalm 121 back to my remembrance, and I prayed it over her before bed each night. God never sleeps nor slumbers, and He always watches over our children.
Prayer strengthens us in our journeys. It reminds us of who God is and how much He loves us. Prayer is an important part of every believer's journey because we draw closer to God as we pray.
So, how do we teach our children to pray? Jesus instructs us how to pray in Matthew 6:5-15. First, we thank God. Then, we move to thanksgiving and supplication. We always encourage our kids to thank and praise God first and then ask for provision, blessing, or help.
Young children can pray effective, heartfelt prayers. As we said with worship, modeling prayer is one of the best gifts you give as a parent.
I'll never forget our two-year-old at the dinner table as we said, "Okay, sweetie, tonight it's your turn to pray." I wasn't sure how she'd respond, but to our amazement, she got a big smile, folded her hands, and prayed. It wasn't coherent, but I know God heard her prayer.
It's okay if your toddler's prayer is simple. Inviting our young children into prayer shows them Jesus is our friend and someone we can confide in.
If you aren't sure where to start, pray the Scriptures. For example, we read in Psalm 23:1-2, "The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters" (NIV). So you could pray, "We thank you, Lord, that you are our shepherd. That with you, we lack nothing. Thank you for leading us beside quiet waters." Scripture gives you and your kids the words to pray, and we know God's Word is powerful.
Your kids will gain confidence as you give them daily opportunities to pray. Start by praying before they head to school in the morning, at meal times, and before bed. The more you pray, the more you'll find yourself doing it!
Reflect: Expose your kids to prayer. Prayer changes things. Let them see the power of it.
How often do I pray? Do I thank Him in my prayers? When I face a problem, do I go to others for advice first, or do I go to God?
Lauren has more teaching and encouragement to share. Get practical tools to raise strong, God-loving kids. Discover Unshakable Kids: Three Keys to Raising Spiritually Strong and Emotionally Healthy Children.
About this Plan

Kids tend to believe what their parents believe, but at some point in their journey, they must turn their inherited faith into their own. We can't force our children to follow Jesus, but we can provide opportunities and environments for them to encounter and experience God even at a young age. Join me in a five-day study to help connect your children with the voice of God.