40 Day Worship Experience Sample
Day 39
Today we are going to review the simple prayers we’ve explored. Remember, these are also sample prayers. They are conversation starters that you can use in your mornings and throughout the day. Whether you use these prayers or others of your choosing, your fifteen minutes alone with God are meant to build your faith, draw you closer to God, and help you navigate life’s challenges and joys.
“Jesus, I surrender my will to Yours.”
This is a prayer of wholehearted surrender. You are giving your entire self to God: heart, soul, mind, will, emotions, and actions. Surrender is the pathway to openness, and openness leads to transformation.
“Jesus, give me Your Peace.”
This is a prayer for God’s Perfect Peace, a Peace that passes understanding and that guards your heart and mind. This Peace is not like anything the world can give, and you can experience it in any circumstance by drawing near to God.
“Jesus, I trust You.”
This prayer is about relying on God’s Strength, Presence, and Wisdom, not just your own. It’s a release of control and self-reliance, and it leads to true rest.
“Jesus, I need you.”
In this prayer, you express your desire for God’s Presence, and you cast all your cares, anxieties, and needs on Him, knowing that He cares for you.
“Jesus, thank you.”
Gratitude keeps your heart open and connected to God, and it helps you navigate negative thoughts and emotions by reminding you God works all things together for good.
“Jesus, I love you.”
This is a prayer of connection and relationship. You are affirming your heart-level link to God, first to receive His Love, then to Love Him back, and finally to care for others with the Love He has for them.
“Jesus, forgive me.”
This is a prayer that brings healing and freedom by cleansing your life of anything that hinders your walk with God or with other people. It’s not about shame but about honesty and a desire to walk in God’s Paths.
“Jesus, give me Wisdom and Guidance.”
In this prayer, you are recognizing that God’s Ways are higher than yours, and you are asking for Him to direct your actions and decisions.
This morning, pray through any of these or all of these, as you feel the need. Remember, your prayer time is about your connection with God. It’s not about getting through a list or checking off a box, but rather about meeting with the Lord. Learn to explore this time on your own, praying as the Spirit leads you.
Questions for Reflection
- How have these simple prayers enriched your faith and deepened your connection with God?
- Which simple prayer is your favorite, and why?
- What other simple prayers have you learned to pray along the way?
About this Plan
Welcome to the 40-Day Worship Experience, a personal and transformative journey in God’s Presence. I encourage you to find a quiet space to be alone with the Lord for fifteen minutes each morning. Worship begins by surrendering our will over to God's Will. It's in those intimate moments in His Presence that we receive His Love.