Shift and Say Yes to Your NextNäide

The Company You Keep
There are different ways that we get stuck. Physically, geographically, relationally, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. Actually, one can lead to the other if we are not careful. Many years ago, I was hit by a car. Never one to stop moving, I was horrified to find myself incapacitated for over a year. Three surgeries, endless physical therapy sessions, and having to learn how to walk again was an overwhelming and draining experience. Lying in bed with my knee strapped to a machine that kept it moving constantly to prevent the development of keloids or excessive scar tissue, I could have given into being as dysfunctional as I felt. However, I had friends—rather opinionated friends—who had a truckload of suggestions about what I should be doing with my life and the opportunity my misfortune afforded me.
The company you keep can have a deep impact on your life and the decisions you make. There is a reason why rich people only hang out with rich people. Together they grow richer as they influence one another with information, strategies, and keys to gaining more wealth. Misery loves company, and there is nothing like a good pity party, but nothing will come of it but a greater sense of failure.
The importance of gaining wisdom is cited several times in the book of Proverbs, which illustrates two personas, wisdom and folly. It is interesting that they both have the same access to you and their invitation to align with them is also the same. However, responding to one or the other produces entirely different results. Wisdom’s invitation leads to life, while folly’s invitation leads to a death that’s not always physical. It can also be spiritual, emotional, mental, relational, professional, financial, and more. Something dies or flourishes whenever we make choices. This is why we must be discerning about our alignments and influences.
We live off words fed into our spirits, our minds. Language speaks things into existence—life or death, joy or sorrow, strength or weakness, productivity or stagnation... You get to choose!
Let’s Talk About It:
Who are your closest influences?
What voices do you gravitate toward? Why?
What Word from God can you apply to your situation?
Dear heavenly Father, I confess that I have been paralyzed. I have relied on other sources and listened to other voices that only confused me further. I have placed my confidence in everything but You. I ask for Your forgiveness. Give me Your wisdom and increase my discernment. Help me not to make the mistakes I’ve made in the past. I am ready for my next. Lead me there, in the name of Christ Jesus. Amen.
About this Plan

We all face unexpected changes in life that may fill us with dread rather than delight. But Michelle McKinney Hammond suggests that it’s possible to shift your point of view and regard any change as a chance, an opportunity for something better. “Whether you are ready or not, shift happens,” she says. “It’s not the end. There’s always a next!”