Designed for Greatness: A 10-Day Bible Plan for MenNäide

The Best Question
This is what the LORD says: “What did your ancestors find wrong with Me that led them to stray so far from Me? They worshiped worthless idols, only to become worthless themselves. They did not ask, ‘Where is the LORD who brought us safely out of Egypt?’” JEREMIAH 2:5-6 NLT
God spoke to the prophet Jeremiah and told him to speak His message to the people of Judah, who had abandoned Him.
God accused the people of Judah of forgetting about Him and all that He had done for them in rescuing them out of slavery in Egypt and bringing them to the Promised Land. The people had turned to idols and neglected to seek God. They stopped asking, “Where is the LORD?” Even the priests, the religious leaders of Judah, were not seeking God. Because of their refusal to turn back to God, the people were taken into captivity by their enemies, the Babylonians.
So often we find ourselves in difficult circumstances in life, and we ask ourselves all kinds of questions: Do I have enough money? What will my friends think? Can I live without this right now? How will I tell my family? How will I make it through today?
How long does it take us before we ask the best question: “Where are You, Lord?” Why do we try to solve our problems without Him? What will it take for us to remember all that He has done in our lives, acknowledge Him, and learn to seek Him? We forget His presence with us. We forget His infinite love for us. We forget His promises. Yet He wants us to look to Him and to ask for His help. He wants to be a part of every decision we make.
Will you let Him? Will you trust Him and depend on Him to work in your life for your good?
Lord, forgive me for ignoring You when I should be seeking You. I don’t want to make any decision without asking You about it. I trust You and Your plan for my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.
About this Plan

As our obligations expand with adulthood, as we age, and as our anxieties increase, we start feeling our limitations. Faith in God’s ability to do “anything” starts to dwindle, and the burden on our own shoulders seems to get heavier. Designed for Greatness: Devotions for Men will reignite the spirit of hope and courage within men that they were made to embody.