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Trust in HimNäide

Trust in Him

DAY 7 OF 21

Why We Can Trust the Bible

Jesus only invited three disciples to go with Him to the Mount of Transfiguration—Peter, James, and John. There they saw Moses and Elijah and heard the voice of God from Heaven confirming that Jesus was the Son of God and that He alone must be worshiped and glorified. Peter never forgot that experience, and when he was inspired to write his second letter to the persecuted Christians, he reminded them of that wonderful day. Then he made the vital point that the written Scriptures are more certain even than Heavenly voices. Peter called the Scriptures “a more sure word,” using a Greek word that highlights stability and firmness.

The Bible never changes, and it has everything God knew that we would need for our lives. Many people are wishing for miraculous visions or voices to find God’s will, but His plan is for us to find our guidance through the indwelling Holy Spirit working through the Word in our hearts. As we read the Bible, we have all the information we need to choose to walk in God’s path. We do not need some outside sign to follow but rather to fill our minds with the truth of the Word and then obey it. Because the Bible is divinely inspired rather than produced by men, it is stable and completely without error. We can always trust what it says.

Growth Principle:

The only sure foundation for daily living that we have is found in the unchanging Word of God.

Day 6Day 8