Tithing: What Jesus Said About TithesNäide

I often talk to Christians who feel guilt or shame for not tithing and feel like it is simply not possible. Let me start by encouraging you that you are no more or less loved by God based on your giving percentage.
If that is you, my encouragement is to talk to the Lord about it. He already knows anyway, we might as well be honest with Him - He can handle it. Bring all your fears about not having enough, not being able to pay the bills, not having “control”, and any other fears you might have to Him.
Yes, following Jesus is guaranteed to stretch each of us beyond our comfort zone, but at the same time He is inviting us with open arms into this adventure with Him.
When we yield and surrender to what He has for us, we discover that if we can just trust Him, His “yoke is easy and the burden is light.”
Let’s pray:
Lord help me to grow in generosity and help me trust you fully in my finances. Help me to never rest on my laurels with my giving, but instead to boldly follow you wherever you lead me in this area. May you be glorified and honored with everything I give. In Jesus name, Amen.
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About this Plan

Ever wonder what Jesus said about tithing? Is this still something new covenant believers should do? We can learn a lot by digging into the Bible to see what Jesus did and didn’t say about tithing and generosity, and that's what we are going to do in this plan.
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