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The God Who Restores - AdventNäide

The God Who Restores - Advent

DAY 3 OF 7

The Coming King

Read: Isaiah 11—12

SOAP: Isaiah 11:10

At that time a root from Jesse will stand like a signal flag for the nations. Nations will look to him for guidance, and his residence will be majestic.

Into the Text

The world often sends us conflicting messages, especially during the Christmas season. Sometimes we hear, “You need this new thing to be happy.” Other times the world tells us that all we need is love, belonging, and a little “magic.” We hear messages about being thankful and recognizing the good around us, telling us not to focus on the brokenness but on the positive.

We indeed have much for which to be thankful. While God does command us to be thankful, He does not demand that we ignore pain and sadness. Scripture reminds us of our brokenness and desperate need for a Savior. In light of this, Isaiah’s words should bring us comfort and peace.

Brokenness and despair may exist all around us, but our King is coming. He is not held back by governments, peoples, powers, or darkness. He is a mighty King who stands before the nations and rules with peace. He will be a just ruler, give us a new nature, and all the earth will be His home. We desperately await His arrival.

Our Savior, our King, has come before. He came to earth as a baby, humbling Himself and submitting Himself to human form, dying on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. Jesus did not come as a king but as a servant, and He promises to come again. At that time, He will come as the reigning King. He will mend the world's brokenness, restore what was lost, and heal us in every way.

This Christmas season, as we fight the world's lies, let us remember what is true. We do not buy into the deception that the world can give us what we need—we long for what is to come. We long for the return of our King, the Holy One of Israel. He will establish justice, peace, and joy. We can rejoice in His coming even as we wait with great expectation.

Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

The God Who Restores - Advent

Advent is a season of waiting, remembering, and rejoicing. We wait for Christ’s return, celebrating His first coming even as we wait and long for His return. We remember the brokenness of our world and how He will bring restoration and wholeness when He comes. And we praise Him, remembering the joy we have as we place our hope in Christ. The God Who Restores Bible study journal leads us through the season of Advent, a season of waiting and great expectation of our coming by through our eternal King.
