Fast ForwardNäide

Day 11: From Crisis to Calling
There was a man whose wife had left him; he had lost his job, and he no longer wanted to live. So, he decided to end his life by jumping off a bridge. He arrived at the bridge and was ready to jump. When he looked down, he saw someone drowning and screaming for help. He quickly ran down and swam to their rescue. A crowd gathered around them, her family came, and a newspaper reporter arrived to cover the story. The next day, an article was printed on the front page titled A Purpose Saved a Man’s Life. Both his life and the girl’s life were saved.
Having a purpose is a powerful motivator to live.
Similarly, Paul discovered his initial ministry following a three-day fast after first encountering Jesus on the road to Damascus.
There is a ministry we do for the Lord, but when we use our time fast and minister to the Lord, He empowers us with a ministry from Him. A ministry for the Lord is done with our own strength and understanding. On the other hand, a ministry from the Lord is done with His might and purpose. The big difference is our willingness to pause, fast, and minister to the Lord Himself.
Let's Pray:
Lord, I humbly come before You in surrender. I surrender my desires, my life, and my future to You. Do your will in my life. I want to live for Your purpose.
About this Plan

Fasting is not starvation or an involuntary absence of food; it is abstaining from food for spiritual reasons. Fasting is not a hunger strike, and it is not a diet—a diet focuses on helping you lose weight, while fasting draws you closer to God. This is a great devotional use as you fast.