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DAY 2 OF 19

Acts 2

What’s Happening?

In the previous chapter, the disciples had witnessed Jesus’ ascension into heaven and were left with the promise of the Holy Spirit, who would give them the power to proclaim the name of Jesus to all peoples. As they waited for the coming of the Spirit, they prayed with the oneness of mind and prepared hearts, trusting God to lead them in their waiting.

Sometime later, when the disciples were all together, the Holy Spirit descended upon them, filling the room with a sound like a rushing wind, and tongues of flaming fire rested upon them. Not only did they experience the Spirit moving, but they were themselves filled with the Spirit. They were now indwelled and empowered with God’s presence.

Following this, a crowd of devout Jews in Jerusalem from every nationality heard and discovered the disciples speaking about the mighty works of God. The men were astonished because the disciples were all Galileans, and yet they were speaking in the native languages of the devout Jewish people!

Peter boldly reminded the men of what the prophet Joel said: that God would abundantly give us of His Spirit and from Him, many signs and wonders would be performed in the last days; both men and woman, slave and free, would have dreams and visions, prophesying of things to come. The coming of the Holy Spirit upon man was the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy.

Peter then refers to king David’s words in Psalm 16:8-11, who prophesied the coming Messiah. David’s prophecy, though formerly a mystery, now revealed that this Messiah is Jesus who experienced death but overcame death by resurrection.

When the devoted Jewish men heard this, they felt an immediate conviction because it was their people who killed Jesus. This conviction led to repentance, as 3,000 people listening believed in Peter’s words and were saved that day.

This beautiful mosaic of believers from every nationality became a flourishing community that was united in prayer, fellowship, worship, hospitality, and selfless giving. They had no want for anything, as the Spirit was like an overflowing well, spilling out into the lives of those around them, adding more and more of those who were saved.

What do we learn?

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit was God’s official inauguration of the church. It is His stamp of approval and promise for every person the Lord calls. The Holy Spirit is the catalyst in which God works in and through His people, creating a community of fellowship, worship, and generosity, which should ultimately point others to the beautiful work of Jesus on the cross for our sins. As a body of water thrives when connected to a stream, we thrive, and the Spirit flourishes within us when we are connected to other believers.

What should we do?

If you have yet to get connected to a local church, it is imperative as a follower of Jesus that we seek out God and His people and, together, proclaim His saving power to everyone. One of the best ways to get involved in a community of believers is to join a small group. In this context, we can be open and vulnerable with others who can come alongside us. Through their encouragement and support, our faith can grow and flourish.


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About this Plan


The book of Acts shows us how God used the disciples in the days after Jesus’ ascension to impact the world with the power of the Gospel message. We hope as you read, you’ll realize we are also called to be witnesses to the gospel of Jesus Christ and empowered with the Holy Spirit to go into this world.
