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The Jesus Bible Reading PlanNäide

The Jesus Bible Reading Plan

DAY 65 OF 365


The atonement cover was the place for sacrifices within the tabernacle on the Day of Atonement. The title, derived from the verb meaning “to cover over,” “to atone for” or “to make propitiation,” was the place of offering on this day. This symbol refers to the cover placed on top of the ark and was the base on which the cherubim were placed (Heb 9:5). There, sacrificial animals were offered to the Lord and, by God’s mercy, peace between God and humanity was established. The atonement cover served as the physical location at which the mercy and judgment of God met, and the sins of mankind were atoned for.

At the cross, God’s mercy and judgment met as they did at the atonement cover. There, God’s judgment was placed upon his Son, and his mercy is freely given. His death atones, or covers over, the sins of his people, making peace by the blood of the cross (Col 1:20; 1Jn 4:10). The ongoing significance of the cross as a symbol for Christians testifies to the profound way in which this peace with God is possible.

Jesus, thank you for being the final atonement sacrifice that we need in order to be close to God. Thank you for the peace and mercy that you have given us. Amen.

Day 64Day 66