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The Jesus Bible Reading PlanNäide

The Jesus Bible Reading Plan

DAY 54 OF 365


God’s people received innumerable blessings from the hand of God. In this passage, the Lord instructed Moses to tell Aaron and his sons to say a blessing on the people. This famous Aaronic benediction declared the blessing that would rest on all of the people by virtue of God’s care. This blessing, which immediately followed a lengthy description of the Nazirite vow, made it clear that the people would receive God’s blessings through his benevolence and not through outstanding acts of devotion on their part. The recounted actions provide vivid images of God’s goodness. He promised to bless and keep his people. He assured them that he would accomplish his good purposes and plans and would make his face shine on them, allowing them to have an intimate sense of the presence of his glory — splendor and beauty akin to what Moses experienced when he talked with God on Mount Sinai (Ex 34:29 – 35). God would be gracious to the people, allowing them access to his presence (in spite of their sin). His countenance would be lifted up toward the people. Rather than a scornful expression of wrath, God would smile upon the people in love. And he would give them peace with himself and with one another.

Jesus offered a similar priestly prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane prior to his crucifixion (Jn 17:1 – 26). He first prayed for himself (v. 2). Then he asked the Father to protect his disciples from the evil one and his schemes in the world (vv. 11,15). Jesus prayed that the Father would give them grace to be transformed by God’s Word so that they could be sent on a mission into the world (vv. 17 – 18). He longed for believers to experience the peace found in the perfect unity of the Godhead and to reflect this peace in oneness with those whom God came to save (vv. 22 – 23). Finally, he asked that they would see the glory of God and find delight in his presence (v. 24). These prayers would come to pass in Christ’s death, burial and resurrection as the great high priest and perfect Lamb of God.

Jesus, thank you for smiling on me. Thank you for putting a peace in my heart, a peace I can’t even understand. Help me to reflect your peace to the world around me. Amen.

Day 53Day 55