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The Jesus Bible Reading PlanNäide

The Jesus Bible Reading Plan

DAY 41 OF 365


Ancient Hebrew culture depended on detailed genealogical lists to determine questions of inheritance and land-use rights. After the conquest of Canaan, each tribe received its portion of the promised land (Jos 13 – 21). Ownership and land rights were passed from father to oldest son, or daughter if there was no son (Nu 27:1 – 11). Other matters such as service in the temple and royal succession were also determined by genealogy. Old Testament genealogies attest to God’s faithfulness — across generations — in honoring his promise to make Israel a great nation (Ge 12:1 – 3).

The genealogy of Jesus (Mt 1:1 – 17) reflects the promises of God kept since the days of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Ac 13:32 – 33). It shows Christ as the legitimate heir in the line of David. In Jesus, God fulfilled his promise to establish the ultimate king on David’s throne (Isa 9:6 – 7; Ro 1:2 – 3).

Jesus, I thank you for the gift of your Word, which allows me to look back on all the promises you’ve already kept. I worship you for your omniscience as I look forward to all the promises you still plan to keep. Amen.

Day 40Day 42