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The Jesus Bible Reading PlanNäide

The Jesus Bible Reading Plan

DAY 119 OF 365


David realized that a mere building could never house the eternal, all-powerful God of the universe. He planned to construct the temple as the Lord’s footstool — a metaphor describing the earthly base of activity for God, who sits enthroned in heaven, high above all things. Elsewhere in Scripture, the whole earth is depicted as God’s footstool (Isa 66:1). No physical place of worship — even Solomon’s temple — could capture the grandeur and glory of God. He cannot be contained (Ac 7:48 – 50).

In kindness to the people of the earth, God sent Jesus to disclose his character and power (Jn 1:18). God came down to us from on high — to dwell in hearts, not religious buildings (Eph 3:16 – 17). God’s people do not need to go into a church to be with God — he is Spirit, simultaneously inhabiting all places. Jesus, in whom the fullness of God dwells, is ever-present in the life of the believer (Col 1:19 – 27).

Jesus, thank you for showing me God’s character and power, and for being present in my life. I am honored to serve the One for whom the earth is a footstool. Amen.

Day 118Day 120